Executive summary about hypnosis by Paul R Mather
Hypnosis can be an ideal treatment for insomnia, because a hypnotic trance mirrors the gateway to sleep. In fact, it is frequently said that everyone experiences hypnosis at least twice a day - when they pass in and out of their night's slumber...
A calming and relaxing hypnotic audio track, containing positive suggestions that will help you get into the habit of dozing off comfortably, can be played last thing at night to great effect. It should finish by fading out, so that you will not be disturbed after you fall asleep. And don't worry that you haven't been brought out of hypnosis; it simply isn't necessary, and you should wake up quite naturally, feeling great...
Just make sure to use a music player that can be safely left on overnight. Also, beware of using one with annoying flashing lights that might wake you up in the early hours...
Another way that hypnotism can help you get to sleep is through the Law of Reverse Effect. You already have plenty of unwanted experience of what happens when you lie there, eyes tightly shut, praying forlornly for sleep to come - so why not try something different?
Next time you can't sleep, try thinking: 'This is great! I'm in a relaxed position, my body is getting all the rest it requires, and now I have all the time in the world to calmly and methodically think through some of those problems I never get a decent chance to work on during the day... '
Focus your mind on the most immediate of your unresolved problems, and then begin to think it through, all the time reminding yourself that, on no account and under absolutely no circumstances, must you curtail this valuable opportunity by falling asleep!