How to Hypnotize Yourself Successfully - 4 Key Tips to Skyrocket Your Success

By Adam Ajmal 

In order to learn how to hypnotize yourself successfully, you will likely need a bit of practice. It is something that takes a bit of concentration at first, but it becomes easier over time. Self hypnosis is very similar to meditation and it is a practical and useful tool to use in everyday life. One of the major benefits of it is that it helps one achieve a major state of relaxation, but there are other benefits as well.

Hypnotizing yourself has many benefits. For one, relaxation is much easier during this process. Also, you can gain more confidence and get rid of fears you may have to do something. For example, in the dating world, "pick up artists" are known to use these techniques to get rid of their fear of approaching women they don't know. Once you have mastered the art of self hypnosis you will find that your life has changed in many ways for the better.

Here are a few tips on how to hypnotize yourself effectively. You need to decide what it is you want to achieve and also decide if you want to include affirmations. If you do then you should first prepare your affirmations. For instance, you want to be successful in some endeavor then you would say "I am successful is all that I do" or whatever would suit the occasion.

o You need to find a space or room where you will not be disturbed. That means you need to turn off the phone television, and any other distractions. Find a comfortable chair or couch, and then one should preferably sit up in order to prevent oneself from falling asleep.

o You can put on soft background music if that helps you relax. Sit and start to relax by taking in some deep breaths. Then close your eye and visualize beautiful pink light penetrating your body. Allow the light to enter from the top of your head and then pass through every part of the body. Carry on breathing - breath in pink light and breathe out your everyday stress. All the muscles in your body will start to relax.

o Continue breathing and saying to yourself "I am relaxed and comfortable and with every breathe I am becoming more and more relaxed".

o Once you find yourself in an alpha state you can then begin to use your affirmation you prepared. Along with your affirmation visualize yourself in a successful position. For example, envision yourself being successful in your job or in getting the relationship you want.

If you have the time then you can take as long as you feel necessary, but if your time is limited then spend at least 30 minutes every day practicing if you want to be proficient in knowing how to hypnotize yourself effectively.