Does Hypnosis For Alcohol Addiction Really Work?

Executive summary about hypnosis by Trevor Johnson
Alcohol addiction is just as much an emotional dependency as it is a physical one. Combating both elements at once can be an enormous challenge. It often takes more than just one session in order to see the maximum results. However, being able to schedule regular intervals can help you keep the benefits of hypnosis at their most effective.
Hundreds of people every week engage in hypnosis for alcohol addiction in their first week of rehab. Most people who allow themselves to be hypnotized generally end up having better short term and long term results.
Sobriety is not easy and it can be difficult to continue the hard work necessary to stay sober even after rehab. Continuing sessions can help maintain sobriety for the long term while taking away a significant amount of the emotional struggle.
Using hypnosis for alcohol addiction has become an accepted practice throughout rehabs and clinics. The more receptive the addict is to the process the more helpful performing a hypnotherapy session will be. The more the addict resists the process, the less likely the addict is to use it as a tool for successful recovery

Using Self-Hypnosis To Soothe A Sore Throat

Executive summary about hypnosis by Adam Eason

5 Steps To Soothe A Sore Throat Using Self-Hypnosis:
Step One: Induce hypnosis. Use whatever technique or strategy you know of to get into self-hypnosis. Get yourself absorbed and focused in the process, be present and in the moment and making sure you are going to be undisturbed for the remainder of this session, move on to step two.
Step Two: Just tune in to your body and get a sense of how it is in this moment. Just heighten your awareness of your breathing, your body's rhythm, and just allow yourself to relax further and enjoy this stillness.
Now focus particularly upon the area in and around your throat and begin to relax that area. Relax the jaw, the throat and all the areas connected to it throughout the region of your ears nose and throat.
To do this, you can imagine a soothing, warming colour that spreads and develops and grows within those areas. Or you could imagine a soothing sound that resonates and vibrates in a particular way throughout that area alternatively you could simply develop a soothing sensation or feeling that spreads comfortably through the area - or of course, do all the above!
When you feel that you have relaxed that area beautifully and well, continue to allow this part of the process to take you deeper inside your mind, then move on to the next step.
Step Three: Next up, with the area relaxed, now start to engage your imagination and imagine a warming, flowing shower of water running down and through your relaxed open throat.
Let the flow of water be as fast as you choose, and imagine it is at exactly the right temperature for you, the most soothing, warming and comfortable temperature.
As it flows and warms, get a sense that the flow of soothing, warming water has healing properties of some kind - you can imagine this to be medical properties, or you can imagine it to be magical, or naturally healthy in some way. Just pick and choose whatever is best for you and imagine the water to be healing as well as soothing as it warmly flows in and around your throat.
Imagine that you gargle with the warm, healing water for a few more moments and when you are ready to move on to the next step, stop gargling and proceed to the next step.
Step Four: Now that the throat is warmed, cleansed and soothed, now imagine thick, warm, sweet, soothing honey, rolling slowly down your throat. Imagine it is healing, glistening and soothing warmly, comfortably. Imagine it is coating and protecting the inside of the throat. Imagine that the soft, warming protective coating of the inside of the throat is helping to keep this feeling of soothed healthiness in place for longer and is working to help your throat get better and better in most efficient and effective timescale for you.
Spend as long as you like enjoying this wonderful part of the session, then move on to the final step.
Step Five: When you have noticed some real difference in how your throat is feeling, then you can bring the session to an end, telling yourself that the effects carry on through and are extended beyond this session, helping you throughout the day.
Take a couple of deeper energizing breaths, wiggle your fingers and toes and open your eyes.

Egyptian Hypnosis: Imhotep and Ancient Hypnotism

Executive summary about hypnosis by Laurentiu V Balasa

Hypnosis and the Pyramids
Egyptians used healing sanctuaries to heal people, mental illnesses, what we would class today as psychological problems. Those healing places were called "Sleep Temples." Imhotep owned multiple such sleep temples, in which he performed hypnosis. They didn't call it that back then, but nevertheless, that's what is was. You see, the subconscious mind has always existed, even though we only discovered it recently and some will have you believe that it doesn't exist. In these temples, the sick person was induces into a sleep like trance; priests then tried to make sense of the person's dreams in order to find out more about the illnesses and to find a potential cure for it.
Must of be a heck of a sight to see "patients" coming into these temples, these catacombs, and being introduced to, what was perceived back then, magic. That's what the normal folks thought of hypnosis, that's why only priests and priestesses knew the secrets.
These hypnosis secrets were handed down and taught only to the selected disciples, which had to go through years of apprenticeship to become practitioners, or priests as it were. Then these selected few could attend and help the main priest with the induction.
Egyptians relied heavily on scents and perfumes for their induction techniques. They would do these hypnotic inductions in isolated rooms, with no windows, so the scents didn't escape the room and the "patient" had to sniff up everything.
Once the person was ready, usually 3-5 minutes, the chanting and humming would begin, creating a religious feeling inside the chamber, which mixed with the scent and the figure of authority (the priest) would cause the subject to fall into a deep trance. With their eyes closed, people would then listen to the voice of the priest and follow his instructions, which usually were commands to narrate the dreams that particular person had.

Overcome the Fear of Driving With Hypnosis

Executive summary about hypnosis by Eli Bliliuos

Some people only have trouble driving in rush hour traffic, while others are not even able to put the key in the ignition switch. Phobias are generally caused by one of three things; how you were raised, a traumatic experience, or being in a truly terrifying situation. A phobia can trigger the body's natural fight or flight response making your symptoms even worse. No matter where or how it strikes, you can overcome your phobia through hypnosis.
A driving phobia can be caused by many things, maybe you were in a car accident when you were young and it left you traumatized. Maybe you do not even know why you are afraid. Do you tell yourself that you will not be afraid, only to have the anxiety return? This is because you are dealing with your conscious mind but the fear lies within your subconscious mind, and that is where it must be addressed.
Your subconscious mind stores everything you have ever been exposed to along with every thought and feeling you have ever had. Sometimes your subconscious will fixate on something from your past, and amplify or exaggerate the thoughts or feelings connected to it. Therefore, you may feel your phobia is irrational when in fact it may be just a memory that has been blown way out of proportion.
Hypnosis will help you identify the underlying source of your phobia. Through specific techniques, a certified hypnotist will guide you into a trance-like state that will allow them to interact with the deepest reaches of your subconscious. This natural state of being is very much like what you experience when you get "lost" in a movie or in the words of a book, and you lose track of time and are unaware of your surroundings.
While you are in this state of hypnosis, your powers of concentration are heightened which your hypnotist will use to guide your focus inward. Your hypnotist can then identify what causes your fear. Your hypnotist will then plant positive suggestions in your subconscious that will change how your mind perceives that fear.
Your hypnotist will reprogram your subconscious so that the traumatic event from your past will no longer influence your life today. In doing this, your subconscious will begin to understand that it does not have to trigger a fear response when you want to drive. Through positive suggestion and visualization techniques, hypnosis will allow you to be free from your fear of driving completely and allow you to truly enjoy the full experience of the open road.

Starting Out With Milton Erickson Hypnosis

Executive summary about hypnosis by Christopher Montrose

Milton Erickson is considered a legend in the field of hypnosis for having done more to change the way modern hypnosis is practised than anyone else in the past century. Essentially, Milton Erickson would use indirect methods to achieve the results he wanted.
The Method
Milton employed an "indirect" method. This means that he did not actively always seek to instil a trance, but that he talked around the topic, probed, and sought to seek detail from the patient first before just going into a standard trance induction.
By understanding the patient, Milton Erickson was able to equip himself with an arsenal of tools. He would learn specific details about his patients and use those details to indirectly solve the problems they were facing. Examples would be certain words that have a strong influence over a particular patient, their favorite things, experiences from their past. He has said that most of his techniques involve some form of confusion.
"Distraction can be a powerful ally when someone is trying to overcome something difficult." Milton Erickson
Often Milton's hypnosis would be very story based, and his sessions would often not be purely hypnotic, but more like an open conversation where trance was not involved at all.
It is this "normalizing" of hypnosis which in-fact popularized it and led it into the mainstream. People stopped seeing hypnosis as a mysterious practice, as a voodoo, or a magic. It became accepted, and the results spoke for themselves.
A Famous Early Study
There's a story about an older man who had an overpowering fear of riding in an elevator. Milton Erickson's solution was to have the man stand in the elevator with a nice looking young lady, who would distract the old man by offering him kisses, much to the dismay of the long-time married gentleman. The fear of being unfaithful to his wife was greater than his fear of elevators, and he was able to overcome this fear through indirect treatment.
Here the theory of distraction was practised. Whatever we hold foremost in our minds we focus on, and we can have issues with. Because the man wasn't able to think about the elevator, due to thinking about something else, he was able to move past his fear and even experience it without incidence.
Milton Erickson never hid behind the veil of mystery that appeals to some hypnotherapists of the time, and that's partly why his style of hypnosis was so effective. His down to earth approach allowed him to connect with his patients on a personal level, to learn about them and use his findings to treat them with hypnosis.
As time passes, history will remember Milton Erickson for his unique contributions to the field of hypnosis and his no nonsense, conversational style of indirect hypnosis.

Hypnosis Trance - How to Go Into a Trance

Executive summary about hypnosis by Sue Watson

The word "trance" in a general sense means that your state of mind has been modified in some way. A hypnosis trance goes deeper than that. In this kind of trance, a person has a very narrowed focus and is relaxed and is sitting or lying with their eyes closed and their mind as quiet and as calm as can be.
A person who teaches themselves to use self-hypnosis can deliberately put themselves into this type of trance in order to help them with a problem they are having. An individual may appear to be sleeping while in a hypnosis trance but instead their mind is calm but very active.
It is important to be aware of the fact that being in a trance is not necessarily the same for everyone. To start you need to find a quiet, comfortable place and then use deep breathing exercises and progressive relaxation techniques in order to center yourself and be open to the trance state.
There is more than one way to enter a trance. You might try one way and find it is not helpful. If that is the case they try another way. There is guaranteed to be one way that is right for you. The first way is through eye fixation. Focus your eyes on a spot in front of you, such as on the wall, and make sure it above your line of sight.
Breathe deeply and concentrate as completely on that spot as you can, to the exclusion of everything else. In your mind tell yourself how relaxed you feel and how heavy your eyes are becoming. Once you have become extremely relaxed and your eyes are too tired to keep open, close them and let the trance begin.
Visualization is a very popular way of putting oneself into a hypnosis trance. Conjure up images in your mind that encourages you to relax and become focused. A common one for many people is to imagine themselves lying on a beach, with the waves gently lapping the shore and the sun warming their body. Allow these mental images to take over your mind and make it possible for the trance to get underway.

Overcome Your Fear of Water With Hypnosis

Executive summary about hypnosis by Eli Bliliuos

Most people who have a fear of swimming or a fear of open water have had some sort of traumatic experience involving water. These experiences can be as simple as being unexpectedly pushed in a pool at a park, to something as shocking as losing a loved one to a water-related accident. For other people, the fear of what lurks in open water, like sharks, is enough to cause a deep-seated fear.
Hypnosis works to eliminate these phobias or fears because it works with the subconscious, where all major and minor memories are stored in your mind. These memories directly influence how you think and act today. What is worse is that sometimes the subconscious amplifies or exaggerates the memories stored there, making how you feel today even more dire.
When you work with a certified hypnotist, you will be able to identify the exact cause of your fears, and the events that trigger them. By guiding you into a state of hypnosis, your hypnotist can reprogram how your subconscious views and uses these memories. Being in a state of hypnosis is much like how you feel when you get lost in a project or the storyline in a book or movie, when you lose track of time and are unaware of your surroundings. In this natural state, your mind is quiet and open to your hypnotist.
By retraining how your subconscious views the fear inducing past events, your hypnotist can eliminate your fear of open water, and even teach your mind to see water as the beautiful, enjoyable resource that it is. In fact, they can use positive suggestions planted directly into the subconscious to help teach your mind that whatever event caused your fear has no place in your life now. Hypnosis reprograms how your subconscious views the event so that it no longer influences your physical and emotional behaviors today. Once your mind releases that, though you remember the past event, you no longer need to be afraid of it occurring again.
Through visualization techniques, your hypnotist can reprogram your mind to associate water with good things, like jumping in a cool pool on a hot day, or laughing on water rides at theme parks. They can also boost your self-confidence so that your mind knows that you are smart and strong enough to deal with water-related challenges in a responsible way.
Once your fear of deep water is eliminated you will be able to enjoy water related sports and activities. Hypnosis will help you rediscover swimming and boating, enjoying the beach, or even flying over water in a plane.

Hypnosis to Find Lost Items

Executive summary about hypnosis by Eli Bliliuos

Finding Lost Things with Hypnosis
The good news is that with hypnosis, the door to the filing system is flung open and we gain access to everything that is stored there. In fact, a certified hypnotist can help you access any memory of any situation from your entire life!
During hypnosis, your hypnotist will guide you into a trance-like state, which is very much like how you feel when you become really involved in a book or a movie and time slips away and you are unaware of your surroundings.
While in this state, your ability to concentrate is enhanced, and all distractions are eliminated. Your hypnotist will guide this increased focus inward to your subconscious. Then, through a series of questions, your hypnotist will walk you back through your movements on the day you lost whatever it is you are looking for. They will be able to help you pull up the hidden memories connected to the item you lost.
With hypnosis, you will be able to recall these memories quite clearly, no matter how long ago you lost the item. You can use hypnosis to remember past events, to find lost things, and to improve your memory in general. The subconscious is a very tricky part of your brain. You would think that just as you are able to make your body do want you want you would be able to make your brain do you want, including retrieve lost memories. Sadly, this is not generally the case. The memories in our subconscious are buried deep in that filing system. However, hypnosis does allow you to do this, and much more. Consider hypnosis the key to the door of the filing system and your hypnotist as the file manager, one who can give you access to the whole system, or to the one file that knows exactly where your lost item is

Using Hypnosis To Eliminate Pain

Executive summary about hypnosis by Michael Griffin

Everyone Needs Pain Control At Some Time In Their Lives
75% to 80% of all adults, at some point, will have lower back pain from strains or other injuries. Millions more suffer from arthritic pain, and still more millions have chronic headache. Not to mention those who suffer pain involved in surgery and still others who suffer the pain of debilitating or terminal illness.
This pain will be either of short duration such as recovering from a surgical procedure or a broken bone or longer term chronic pain such as pain associated with cancer. Most people deal with the pain using drugs and doctors are very willing to write prescriptions for pain killers. This is at best a temporary solution, using pain killers in any other way can lead to addiction and dependence. The sad part is very few people understand that there is a drug free alternative, hypnosis.
How Effective Is Hypnosis In Dealing With Pain?
Hypnosis has been used to treat all of the forms of pain mentioned above. In Studies, even patients with severe pain as with advanced stages of cancer require fewer pain killers to control the pain. This allows them to have greater comfort and none of the anxiety of the drugs. Less severe pain can often be completely controlled by hypnosis.
Hypnosis also helps in an area that you wouldn't think about. It reduces the nausea and vomiting in patents undergoing chemotherapy.
With short term pain the best approach seems to be using hypnotic suggestions that focus on anxiety reduction and lowering the importance of pain. In the case of chronic, long term pain, it works best to confront the pain directly. In this case the hypnotist should deal with both the physical and psychological effects of the pain.
Hypnosis is also of great help with patients undergoing surgery. Hypnosis can be used both before and after the operation. In some cases operation have been done with only hypnosis for pain control. When hypnosis is used in an operation it reduces nausea and it increases the speed of recovery. This thereby reduces the length of the hospital stay and therefore lowers the hospital cost. Also there are no side effects of using hypnosis, it does not require increasing dosages that lead to drug dependence, hypnosis retains its pain control ability. With drugs, the pain control might go on for years at an ever mounting cost. Whereas, learning hypnosis is a one time expense and the procedure is learned and can be used at no additional cost to the patient while reducing or completely freeing themselves of pain.
Does hypnosis always work?
Using hypnosis for pain control can help everyone at least some. Depending on the patients susceptibility to hypnosis and their ability to relax they will achieve greater or lesser results. There will be those who find complete relief from their pain, those with a significant decrease in their pain, those which will get an initial reduction but need to have the treatment reinforced, those with intermittent relief, and finally those who still experience pain but have only a 10 to 30% reduction.
Hypnosis is a second to none pain control method, however no method, hypnosis or drug, is effective all the time. Yet, hypnosis has proven it's ability to reduce or eliminate all types of pain and it does this magic without side effects.

Hypnosis Induced Lucid Dreams

Executive summary about hypnosis by Nick Madge

When you are first setting out to try to become lucid and you are trying to select the right technique for you, it can be helpful to remember these 3 important facts:
1.) Lucid dreaming depends so heavily on your belief and expectation that you can do it.
2.) Hypnosis is working with your subconscious
3.) Dreams are your subconscious' world.
Together these mean you can get your subconscious to want you to become lucid, by programming this belief directly into your subconscious. Since its the same subconscious that is also responsible for creating your dreams its no surprise that this technique has proved to be wildly effective.
All you need to do is to get yourself into a relaxing hypnotic trance and select an appropriate affirmation that will embed the idea that you can have lucid dreams into your subconscious.
The best approach is to come up with your own affirmation that matches exactly with what you are trying to achieve. As this can often be difficult when first starting out here's an example of a good affirmation (hypnotic suggestion), and also the one I use:
"I can have long, highly lucid, vivid lucid dreams with full control every night and with complete recall of the dreams every morning upon awakening"

What to Expect From an Erotic Hypnosis Call

Executive summary about hypnosis by Alexandra Spiosra

You've always wondered about Erotic Mind Control haven't you? You've seen those ads for erotic hypnosis phone sex and they send a little shiver up your spine wondering what could happen if you let yourself go. 
This is what I do. I do erotic hypnosis phone sex. I talk to callers like you and take them deep into Erotic Mind Control where you will give up all your secrets and hypnotic wishes. Under hypnosis you give up control to me, your mistress of hypnosis and let me guide you through a tour of your deepest secrets and experience them come to life.
Hah, you say. I can't be hypnotized. It can't be done. Well, if you approach it in that manner and present it to me as a challenge it probably won't work, but you might be surprised. Many callers who have claimed resistance have fallen under my control, giving themselves up to me.
What really happens when you call?
When you call me I'll ask you some questions about yourself and about what it is that you're hoping to get from hypnosis during our session. The most common requests are to be controlled or to experience a transformation to the opposite sex.
Most of the time the caller will only have a vague idea of what they want and that's just fine. Even telling me you want to be controlled is pretty vague. It's like saying you want ice cream but don't state what flavor! Control has many many aspects. You may not even know yourself what you mean, just a thought you've only peeked at. I'll find out more about what you really want once you are in trance.
I will take you into a hypnotic state through a series of relaxation of your mind and body. It is a process and takes time. I can't snap my fingers and count to three and BAM you're under. It just doesn't work that time, especially the first time. Later you can be conditioned to respond that way but it does take some work.
Once you are completely relaxed and offering no resistance to the sound of my voice and my suggestions, I will ask you some more questions. Some of them will be the same I asked you before we started so I can gauge your reactions. The most important thing I will ask is what it is you're hoping to get from hypnosis during our session. When you are in a trance with your guard down you will be more apt to share your real desires with me.
This part can be very straightforward or may take a lot of probing depending on what you are trying to hide in the back of your mind. Is it a secret that is so taboo you're afraid of it? Is it something you're not comfortable, that you would never allow yourself to experience outside of hypnosis? A secret you have never admitted before? Do you simply want to feel arousal and orgasm through hypnotism, to have a hot, mind-blowing fun time with a sexy, enticing woman? This is where we spend the most time, exploring those secrets and bringing them out into the light, having fun with them and making them real for a short time.
When I bring you out of trance I will do it with post-hypnotic suggestions about how you will feel and act when you wake. I may tell you that you will be incredibly aroused, turned on by a particular phrase that will make you instantly hard and needy. Or that you will wake feeling refreshed with no memory of what took place but the sight of long legs in stockings and heels will make you need to call me again without knowing why. There are so many ways to play with your mind!

Free Yourself From Anorexia and Bulimia With Hypnosis

Executive summary about hypnosis by Eli Bliliuos

Hypnosis for Anorexia
When you use hypnosis to treat your anorexia, you are able to go far deeper into the cause of the problem than traditional treatments can. Hypnosis allows you to access your subconscious, where the eating disorder is rooted.
Your subconscious stores all memories, events, and situations from the past. Often, your subconscious can exaggerate or amplify the thoughts and feelings connected to a situation in your past. It is very possible that you do not consciously remember what event or situation is triggering your disorder, however, when you look in the mirror, your reflection is distorted by the culmination and amplification of those events from your past.
Hypnosis for Bulimia
Your subconscious drives you to stop eating or to purge what you do eat, just as your subconscious can make you overeat in the first place.
Hypnosis surpasses the average eating disorder treatment, and makes your recovery permanent. Once you have committed to overcoming bulimia or anorexia with hypnosis, you won't have to fear slipping back into the disorder, you will be able to eat healthy, lose weight safely, and even diet if you want to.
Hypnosis achieves this through various techniques all designed to access the subconscious, identify the trigger that causes the eating disorder in the first place, and then re-train how your mind perceives that trigger. Through hypnosis, your subconscious is taught how put negative events, thoughts, and feelings in perspective, and how to utilize all of your positive aspects.
Hypnosis for Eating Disorders
There is a good chance that you became anorexic or bulimic because you felt like your life was seriously out of control and you had no idea how to change it. Maybe it was your marriage or your job, maybe finances or some other type of stress. Whatever the cause, hypnosis can allow you to take control of your life in a positive way.
Through hypnosis techniques like relaxation, regression, guided imagery, and positive suggestion, your hypnotist will access your subconscious to help you determine why you struggle with an eating disorder. They can then show your subconscious what it is like to be free of the disorder, and restructure your subconscious so that it doesn't need the disorder in order to feel in control.
Hypnosis will reframe and retrain your subconscious to increase your self-esteem and self-confidence to improve your natural coping abilities. Hypnosis frees your mind from thinking it needs to purge or stop eating in order to feel control over your life. Hypnosis will help you discover your real self, one that is free from the negative influences from the past. Hypnosis teaches your subconscious to enjoy healthy eating and helps you find other more positive ways of coping with stress.

Hypnosis to Overcome the Fear of Public Speaking

Executive summary about hypnosis by Eli Bliliuos

How Hypnosis Helps Eliminate your Public Speaking Fear
Hypnosis can actually eliminate the fear you feel when you have to get up in front of a crowd. It can also increase your confidence and motivation, build your self-esteem, and help you to be clear-headed and laser focused during your speech.
Hypnosis does this by working within your subconscious, where all your fears and worries stem from. By getting to the cause of your anxiety, you can eliminate it. A certified hypnotist will guide you into a natural state of hypnosis during which your mind is quiet and your subconscious is open. While you are in this state, your hypnotist will help you identify if anything from your past could be promoting your fear.
Your fears could be based on something from your past as simple as not being ready for an oral report in middle school, or even the way your parents might have argued over election debates on television. In fact, you might not even be consciously aware of the cause of your fear. Unfortunately, your subconscious uses all the thoughts, feelings and memories it has stored to guide how you think, feel, and behave today. Therefore, if you are afraid of public speaking, something in your past is probably to blame.
If this is the case, your hypnotist will help your subconscious release the thoughts and fears associated with the past event by teaching your subconscious that the past event has no place in your life today. They can reframe the event so that your subconscious perceives it differently and understands that it doesn't have to replay the event or use the event to control how you approach public speaking now and in the future.
Your hypnotist can also use positive suggestions planted directly into the subconscious to increase your self-esteem, increase your focus, and boost your attitude so that you approach the speech feeling positive and happy. They can also increase your motivation and decrease anxiety.
Through visualization techniques, your hypnotist can help reprogram your mind so that it sees you and your public speaking abilities in a positive way, and perceives you as a person who is confident and secure. Once your fears have been released, you will be able to speak in front of any crowd with confidence in yourself and your abilities. It can, give you a balance of adrenalin and excitement, and make it so that you actually enjoy giving presentations or speeches.

How Weight Loss Hypnosis Can Help You Succeed In Your Diet And Get Those Extra Pounds Off!

Executive summary about hypnosis by Jason Elvis Johns

Weight control hypnosis is highly effective because it bypasses the conscious mind and works with your sub-conscious to make the changes that you want.
Through hypnosis for weight loss you can gain congruence between your conscious and sub-conscious minds so they are working together for you on your diet. This helps you to get rid of cravings, stop desiring unhealthy food and actually start to love the foods that are good for you.
As you are probably well aware, a diet is a short term solution for getting rid of weight, nobody wants to be on a diet for the rest of their life! The key to permanent weight loss isn't dieting but creating a new way of life - both eating and exercise.
This is why weight loss hypnosis is so effective, you can use this to change the way you think so that you are eating healthier and actually enjoying it. Through hypnosis for weight loss you will be able to easily turn down the unhealthy foods and not feel like you miss them at all!
The change is quite incredible and it can make a huge difference to your diet to have that inner motivation and focus. It means that every time you pass the candy aisle in the supermarket you don't feel the pull of temptation and then the guilt of having succumbed. Instead you feel fantastic about the fact that you had no desire for it whatsoever.
Of course you could go and see a clinical hypnotist for your gastric band hypnosis, but not everyone is willing to pay that amount. Sometimes you need multiple sessions and it can quickly add up. A better, and more cost effective way, is to find a hypnosis mp3 or hypnosis CD that you can use for your weight loss program.
There are many of these on the Internet or even in the shops. The only downside is that they tend to be generic rather than focused to your specific requirements but they are still very effective. Whether it is a vocal or subliminal hypnosis program, it will still work for you. In fact, many people use a vocal hypnosis program as they go to bed and then work with the subliminal program during the day.
Through hypnosis you can engage the power of your sub-conscious mind and get the results you want from your diet.

Positive Changes Through Hypnosis

Executive summary about hypnosis by Milton S. Peters

However, do not assume that the positive change hypnosis has brought to your life is some miracle or some physical change. It's just a change of mindset. Hypnosis is not burning your calories or exercising for you. It is just controlling your mind and keeping it focused so that you do not deviate from achieving your goal. It is necessary to believe there are positive changes hypnosis is bringing to your life and it will help you only if you are mentally strong and focused.
Before starting with hypnosis it is necessary to understand the root cause of the problem. This cause will help you establish a connection between your conscious and subconscious mind. The cause could be personal or professional but once you find it out then you can draft a dialogue accordingly so that you can speak to your mind during your session of positive changes hypnosis. Once you enter the state of tranquil, you may explain to your mind about how you wish to tackle the problem and express your motivation behind it. During this state, the subconscious mind is very receptive and hence will store whatever is repeated to it and use it later.
For positive changes, hypnosis is the best method because all you are doing here is controlling your mind to do something better and something you want to achieve desperately. But it is not so easy to master this art. One has to patiently conduct many sessions to gain complete control over the mind and achieve best results. It is rightly said that where there is a will; there is a way and the same applies while bringing in positive changes by hypnosis.
One should work very hard while practicing hypnosis and continue it till you are satisfied with the results. If you ignore the process or your goal, it will not be of much help. So try bringing in positive changes through hypnosis in your life but also remember to eat healthy and exercise regularly to achieve your target.

Hypnosis for Your Perfect Mental Health

Executive sumamry about hypnosis By Sooraj Surendran

When the mind is in a psychosomatic state akin to superficially deep sleep and works at a level of consciousness, which is different from the normal state, we refer to this phenomenon as hypnosis. The "state theory" calls it a mental state while the "non-state theory" refers to it as a role enactment (imaginative). This state heightens the focus of the mind to concentrate on a specific incident or memory, while shutting off the mind to other distractions. Hypnosis is a result of what we call hypnotic induction, which includes several pre-determined instructions to the subject under hypnosis. Hypnosis in therapy takes the name of "hypnotherapy" and they call it "stage hypnosis" when applied for entertainment in front of an audience.
Hypnosis and hypnotism are derivations of "Neuro-Hypnotism," founded by James Braid, a Scottish physician/surgeon, in the year 1841, as he wanted to segregate his philosophy of hypnotism from Franz Anton Mesmer's, "mesmerism."
Today, hypnosis serves as a therapy for several purposes, some of which we provide below for your ready perusal.
Medical: When you use hypnosis for therapeutic purposes, they refer to it as hypnotherapy, which is excellent as an effective pre-surgery process to relax the patients who are due for a surgical procedure. It is also handy for the effective treatment of problems pertaining to skin diseases, weight loss and as a valuable pain reliever.
Some artists either subject themselves to hypnosis or induce it on their own, to find the motivation to turn out exquisite pieces of art with a higher efficiency rate. Several other disciplines like forensic, sports, rehabilitation and physical therapy have drawn full mileage from hypnosis.

Let Hypnosis and NLP Bring Success In to Your New Year

Executive summary about hypnosis by Dr Vanessa Lindgren

I would like to encourage you to use the word 'intention' as opposed to 'resolution'. Because I work in the field of hypnosis and neurolinguistic programming(NLP), I know very well that the way we speak to ourselves is of the utmost importance. For many of us, the word "resolution" is daunting and often a recipe for failure. "Intention" to reach a goal is gentler wording but more powerful in its meaning.
NLP is the study of how we get results in our lives. With NLP we can identify how we get either successful or unsuccessful results in a very precise, methodical, and practical way. This enables us to systematically repeat our successful performances and modify or replace our unsuccessful ones. Years ago Richard Bandler, one of the originators of NLP, described it "as an attitude followed by methodology that leaves in its wake a trail of techniques". Yes, that is a mouthful but think about the power of those words.
A more precise way to explain what neuro-linguistic programming means, is as follows:
Neuro: Each individual has established their own unique mental filtering system for processing the millions of bits of data being absorbed through the senses. Our first mental map of the world is constituted of internal images, sounds, tactile awareness, sensations, tastes and smells that form as a result of the neurological filtering process. The first mental map is called 'First Access' in NLP.
Linguistic: We then assign personal meaning to the information being received from the world outside. We form our second mental map by assigning language to the internal images, sounds and feelings, tastes and smells, thus forming everyday conscious awareness. The second mental map is called the Linguistic Map (sometimes known as Linguistic Representation)
Programming: The behavioral response that occurs as a result of neurological filtering processes and the subsequent linguistic map. This is when our wording becomes crucial.
If a client comes to me for help with "weight loss" I coach them to rephrase that. They will tell themselves that they are "gaining slimness", rather than losing weight. The subconscious mind sees that in a much more positive light. If for example, they tell me they would like to lose 40 pounds I will deliberately not use that number under hypnosis. Chances are they have failed at this previously and number 40 is stuck in their subconscious and represents failure. Bear in mind this is the subconscious not the conscious mind I'm referring to. I will therefore suggest to that client a number slightly lower or higher, but not the number 40. As simple as this might sound, it yields much higher success!
For many years, I have been demonstrating the power of hypnotherapy to those who are in search of a truly effective way to accelerate their level of performance, heal their lives and say goodbye to old habits. Start 2013 with 'intentions' to achieve your goals and learn to love yourself as you are, even with the imperfections. Take small steps and let the building blocks grow. It does not have to be all or nothing. Transformation should have an even, steady pace.
Hypnosis and relaxation therapy, along with NLP can put you on the fast track to succeeding in your intentions for positive change. For those of you who are not sure how you feel about "hypnosis", replace that word with "creative visualization", and add another powerful tool that can put you on the path to happiness.
I have several intentions for this year, one of them being to practice much better handwriting! I have already started by visualizing beautiful handwritten script on a fresh, crisp, white sheet of paper in gorgeous turquoise ink. Of course I will need to practice, perhaps watch some coaching videos but nothing will be more helpful than my own mind-set and an expectation of positive results at my own steady but consistent pace. Loving myself in spite of my currently atrocious handwriting! (Notice how I worded that. 'Currently' - this gives my subconscious the message that it can and will change in the future.)
Setting your intentions and recognizing the desire for change is a first step. Approaching it with a positive attitude while continuing to love yourself (as you are) will guide your steps. Following through is the winning step. Long lasting success will follow.

Free Your Mind With Self Hypnosis!

Executive summary about hypnosis by Tony Sing

Our inner mind is always on the receptive stage and has a strong influence on our overall lives. Good and bad habits are solely dependent on the positive or negative framework of the subconscious mind. Hypnosis touches the innermost layers of the subconscious mind and programs it into accepting necessary changes. These changes are affirmations of positive signals from the inner mind. The best part of these therapies is they are carried out in the most comfortable way and are integrated seamlessly into the daily routine. When you work on your computer, subliminal messages and images work on your subconscious mind. At times, you need not listen carefully or keep staring at these pictures, however, they are registered in your mind and offer positive results.
Mind control has various positive effects. These effects are related to behavioral patterns and physical ailments. When you unleash mind power in a focused manner, you can expect miraculous results. Emotional disorders like depression, anxiety, panic attacks, and addictions are curable through self hypnosis. Many people have low self-esteem, lower confidence, and suffer from various problems in their real life. Hypnosis with the latest techniques has an answer to all these problems and you can develop positive attitude, confidence, and streamlined working abilities. These therapies offer you the vital ingredients for successful personal and professional life.
The root of good living begins with you. This is true when you follow proven methods for guaranteed results. Self-instructing the subliminal mind is the best means to improve every aspect of your life. Hypnosis helps people lose weight, control the pain, and lots more. Accurate decision making at work is critical and you can re-discover your abilities and become successful at work. Seamless penetration in the inner mind with positive suggestions has long-term effects in redefining yourself from a completely new perspective. You are the master of your future, decide what you want to be, help is just hypnosis away!

Finding Your Authentic Self With Self Hypnosis

The Roles you play
The parts or roles you play within your life are the combination of your skills, learned behaviors and your wisdom. You started learning these roles early in life from your parents, teachers and carers; who had your very best interests at heart. Because this is how they were trained and conditioned and they know no better way. Be true to yourself. When not being true to yourself you will know because you feel incomplete. Something is missing within you. Often it is easier to fill the roles others expect of you, rather than thinking about what you really want in life for you. When we deny our authentic self from developing, it results in the loss of vital life energy, the life energy that is needed to find the real you. Because finding the real you is a journey of self discovery. It's like a treasure hunt with you as the hidden treasure. And you are a treasure worth finding!
Wake-up and start the journey with self hypnosis
When you change your thoughts you changed your feelings, when you change your feelings you change your nature, when you change your nature, you change your destiny. You can do this easily with my hypnotherapy downloads.
When you truly find yourself with my therapy audios, you lose all your false perceptions; you awaken to your natural creative powers and your unlimited positive potential. Remember, knowing something and doing nothing is the pointless game your conscious ego mind likes to play. Having faith is the excuse of the followers who are too negatively conditioned to find out for themselves. You do not need to be a follower, you can shine within your own authentic self, the real you. Emotional healing is the key to success.
There is only one person who has barred your path to your authentic self and deeper understanding and you can cease to be that person. You can instruct your conditioned ego mind to get out of your way. My hypnosis mp3 downloads will really help you to step onto the right path and begin your journey. It's a process, because life is a process. Start now with one of my self hypnosis audios and you will soon shed the veils of social conditioning and take flight from the cocoon.

Permanently Solve Your Sleep Problems - Hypnosis for Insomnia

Executive summary about hypnosis by Sajith T. M.

A powerful tool to tackle insomnia is hypnotherapy. Hypnosis can provide immediate help in overcoming insomnia. Hypnosis can not only help you feel more relaxed, but can also enable you to fall asleep quickly and easily, whenever you are ready to go to sleep. No more going through the entire day like a zombie, feeling all groggy and lethargic. Imagine being able to wake up every morning - bright, fresh and enthusiastic, ready to take on the world. Just think how much you can achieve if your energy levels allowed you to take massive focussed action every day without having to worry if you would be able to sleep properly in the night.
The word hypnosis originated from the Hypnos, the Greek word for sleep. Hypnosis was earlier mistaken to be a form of sleep. Remember the stereotyped Hollywood hypnotist who keeps repeating the word "sleep" over and over again trying to get his subject to go into a trance.
In truth, hypnosis is actually a state of heightened awareness combined with deep relaxation. During hypnosis, the unconscious (or the subconscious) mind is more receptive to suggestions. This means that post hypnotic suggestions can be made to relax both the body and the mind, reduce mental chatter or even daily stress and anxiety. Suggestions can also be given to help you sleep deeply and peacefully every night.
Along with hypnosis, it will also help to try to understand the factors that are causing sleeplessness. Small lifestyle changes can sometimes go a long way in improving your condition. Make a list of potential factors that could be responsible for your insomnia. These can be anything from your food habits, watching too much TV, work pressure or even family/relationship issues. Identify them and try to eliminate as many as possible.
There are breathing techniques that can help you relax quickly. These when done regularly can bring down daily stress levels dramatically. If you want more long-term benefits try meditation. All these, combined with hypnosis can help you get over your chronic insomnia issues.

How To Use Covert Hypnosis To Increase Charisma

Executive summary about hypnosis by George hutton

Everybody likes to feel important. This is the secret of charismatic people. When they walk into a room, everybody turns their head. They have a way of interacting with people that makes you feel special just by being around them. They are so confident and comfortable in their own skin, they don't wander the earth like the rest of us mortals always looking for validation and approval.

Instead, they give validation and approval, since they've got plenty to go around. And that makes us feel good. The basic rule is that whomever makes us feel good about ourselves, we like.

The good news is that with conversational and covert hypnosis, you can easily pull this off. When most people hear the term, "hypnosis," they imagine guy some up on a stage making people cluck like a chicken or speak in Martian. When they hear the term, "covert hypnosis," they imagine some guy walking up to somebody on the street, and then making them cluck like a chicken. While this may make for some entertaining YouTube videos, is it useful in real life?

Let's back up. What is hypnosis, anyway? When we're talking about direct hypnosis, it's when that guy is swinging a watch in front of your face and tell you that you're getting sleepier and sleepier. But when we're talking about covert and conversational hypnosis, we're talking about slipping ideas into people's heads that they won't notice.

At first, people realize this is perfect for sales. Slip in ideas like "this is a popular product," or "this is a valuable product," and people will buy your product and you'll make a lot of money.

But what about slipping ideas into people's heads like, "you are important," or, "people like you," or "you have a lot of potential," or "you are very creative"? What happens then? These ideas will be taken without resistance. And they will make the person we are talking to feel really good about themselves.

And since they are talking to us, they will start to associate those good feelings with us. And next time they see us, they'll automatically and unconsciously recall those good feelings. Making you seem very charismatic and magnetic.