Executive summary about hypnosis by Jim Knippenberg
Do you want to know how to influence people with conversational hypnosis?
Now there are many methods in answer to the question of "how do you influence people?," but the most basic methods have to do with Rapport, Convincer Strategies, and Anchoring and hypnotic conditioning.
Keep in mind that everything works better when you have rapport.
One of the methods of gaining and deepening rapport is by asking questions that demonstrate you understand the other person and you are interested in them.
The more rapport you have, the more you can ask questions that elicit deeper level answers from them.
Many people think that influence with conversational hypnosis means you go up to someone and do some sneaky method of instantly hypnotizing the person so you can insert your suggestions.
But suggestions are not just direct suggestions.
The questions you ask about a person's experiences are also suggestions.
"Tell me about a time when you were really attracted to someone, what was it like?" is a question that causes the person to go in to a transderivational search and access those feelings all over again.
And as they are talking with you, they associate those feelings they're having all over again with being with you having the conversation.
But you don't want to just get people to go in to pleasant states. Or unpleasant states either.
No, what you want to do is set a trigger so you can INFLUENCE that person later on using their own states.
So you condition in an anchor.
Sometimes anchors are a one time deal. Sometimes you condition them through repetition.
Either way, though, an anchor is a TRIGGER you set so that you can fire that trigger later to get the person to re-experience the same emotions all over again.
Imagine the possibilities - you anchor a pleasant response or the feeling of having made a good decision, and then you fire that anchor as you hand them the contract and the pen to sign...
Or you trigger your date's feelings for being attracted to someone, and then as you look deeply in their eyes and move in a little closer, you fire that anchor all over again so they experience that attraction while you're moving in for the kiss.
The possibilities are nearly endless on how you can influence someone using conversational hypnosis in this method.
And you can take the anchors you set and use them later again, so you don't have to re-elicit the feelings all over.
Go out and practice setting anchors on people and see how much more influence and power it gives you in every situation!