Executive summary about hypnosis by Ryan Clarke
Are you interested in learning hypnosis? Here are some simple tricks you can perform that will get you started.
Trick #1 - Falling back
Say: "I want you to stand up in front of your seat. Leave enough room for you to fall back comfortably in the seat, (talk a bit faster) we don't want you hitting yourself on anything on the way down."
Say: "Now stand with your feet together like this."
Do: Put your feet together so that they are touching, the closer someone's feet are the harder it is for them to balance
Say: "Now take a deep breath... and relax."
Say: "I want you to imagine (small pause) that there is a force pushing on the front of your body." (put emphasis on imagine)
Say: "Imagine that it is pushing gently on the front of your chest..."
Do: As you say that gently push your hand towards their chest as though you are just pushing air towards them
Say: "Gently on your shoulder"
Do: Push gently towards their shoulders
Say: "Gently on your face and neck"
Do: Push gently towards their face
Say: "Gently pushing you back into the chair" (lightly emphasize pushing)
Do: Take a small pause to let the idea fill their minds
Say: "And as my voice gets stronger and STRONGER..." (emphasize stronger but do not shout, just talk from your diaphragm)"... it pushes harder and HARDER, pushing you back into the chair"
Do: As you say harder and harder push both hands towards them as though you are going to cause a wind to blow towards them.
Say: "It pushes harder and harder on your chest"
Do: Push hard towards their chest
Say: "Harder and harder towards your shoulders"
Do: Push hard towards their shoulders
Say: "Harder and harder towards your face and neck" (emphasize face)
Do: Push towards their face
Note: By this point MOST people who are going to fall anyway will have fallen back into the chair. If the person starts rocking back and forth you need to give them a bit of encouragement by using the next line.
Say: "Don't fight it! let it push you back into the chair"
Wrap-up: Don't stress if it doesn't work the first few times or if the person you doing it to resists. Some people have an aversion to being "under your power" and will resist with all their might to not let it work. Some people are just too pragmatic and lack the imagination necessary to engage in the trick. Practice on a lot of people and you will be used to it.
Trick #2 - The Heavy Cup
Props: For this trick you need to have something in front of them that they can pick up, ideally it's something like a glass or a cup, though I've done it with a glasses case, a mobile phone, a Rubik's cube, a jar of jam and others I can't even really remember. It should be something light and if it's a glass - it should be empty.
Say: "For this trick I want you to grab this cup like so"
Do: Demonstrate for them how to grab the cup. Do it with only 3 fingers, your thumb, index finger and middle finger. Your thumb should be on one side and your index and middle finger on the opposite side of the glass.
Say: "And just lift it straight up like this"
Do: Left the glass vertically an inch or so into the air
Say: "Go ahead"
Wait: Let them do it.
Say: "Alright, excellent. Now put the cup down but keep your hand on it"
Wait: Wait for them to put it down and just give a moment of pause. Take a deep breath yourself as though you are trying to collect your thoughts or "harness your powers"
Say: "No take a deep breath... and relax"
Wait: Wait for them to take a deep breath and exhale
Say: "Now you probably don't even remember which part it happened to first... the cup, or your hand..." (pause for a moment) "but you can't help but notice that the cup is st-uck to the table" (Every time you say the word stuck say it as though you yourself get "stuck" on the letter t)
Say: "And the harder and harder you try and unst-ick yourself, the more and more st-uck the cup becomes"
Say: "At first it was like there was a bit of chewing gum st-uck to the bottom of the cup but now it is firmly glued to the table" (really draw out the word "stuck" and try to make the word glued a bit longer as though you are saying gluuued)
Say: "You can imagine that the table and the ground are connected, like wet concrete that has just set them together..."
Say: "... and you can imagine that the cup itself is also like concrete and it is joined to the table..."
Say: "And your hand is also like concrete and it has set to the cup... until" (say this next part quickly) "your hand, the cup, the table and the ground are one!"
Say: "And you are feeling quite... st-uck"
Note: At this point most people find they are unable to lift the cup off the table. You need to gauge your subject. If you feel they aren't quite there yet do the next bit. If you feel they are already stuck then this next it can drag on for too long and might break the hold you have over them.
Optional-Extra Do: Put your hand over the top of their hand and rhythmically move it up and down as though it is pulsating and you are using our "power" on them
Optional-Extra Say: "You can feel the energy being sapped out of your hand... you can feel it going... num-b" (long pauses and get "stuck" on the word numb right at the end, as though your mouth is going numb as you say it)
Option-Extra Do: Run your hand just over the top of their elbow and up to their shoulder.
Optional-Extra Say: "And you can feel your whole arm going weak... with our forearm getting... num-b... and your arm getting num-b, until even your shoulder is weak and has no energy..."
Note: At this point you want them to 'try' to lift the cup. You want to make sure that you segue into this quickly. Just as you finish your last sentence you want to straight away start this next bit.
Say: "Alright now... try and lift the cup" (put emphasis on and a pause after the word try)
Wait: At this point the person should struggle to lift the cup off the table. You can tell that they know they can lift it on one level but just can't bring themselves to do it on another level.
Say: "In a moment I am going to click my fingers and when I do all the energy will return to your hand and you will be able to lift the cup"
Say: "Ready?"
Do: Give a bit of a pause and then click your fingers. I like to click my fingers and give them a little tap right in the center of their forehead, as though I've just shaken them out of a trance.
Say: "Now lift the cup!
Wait: They should be able to do it with ease.