Hypnosis Induced Lucid Dreams

Executive summary about hypnosis by Nick Madge

When you are first setting out to try to become lucid and you are trying to select the right technique for you, it can be helpful to remember these 3 important facts:
1.) Lucid dreaming depends so heavily on your belief and expectation that you can do it.
2.) Hypnosis is working with your subconscious
3.) Dreams are your subconscious' world.
Together these mean you can get your subconscious to want you to become lucid, by programming this belief directly into your subconscious. Since its the same subconscious that is also responsible for creating your dreams its no surprise that this technique has proved to be wildly effective.
All you need to do is to get yourself into a relaxing hypnotic trance and select an appropriate affirmation that will embed the idea that you can have lucid dreams into your subconscious.
The best approach is to come up with your own affirmation that matches exactly with what you are trying to achieve. As this can often be difficult when first starting out here's an example of a good affirmation (hypnotic suggestion), and also the one I use:
"I can have long, highly lucid, vivid lucid dreams with full control every night and with complete recall of the dreams every morning upon awakening"